Old school Easter eggs.
Absolute List Of All Spiritual Entities

Absolute List Of All Spiritual Entities

God / Allah


Creator of everything initially natural on the Earth 3

Consists of the Spirit Of God by essence of nature which resides initially within water 1 and conditions cosmic evolution 2

Established the 7 Heavens 3

Omniscient 12 + Most Gracious 1 + Most Merciful 1

During the last times, of rising end of the eras, the Seal Of God is a mark identified by the number 144.000 in people. The mark protects exclusively servants of the Gospel's principles and religious procedures 404

In the Inca's continent and culture, Inti is the equivalent denomination

In the Ancient Egypt & Nubia, Aten is the equivalent denomination


Most advanced capability to alter the physics and nature of structures such as: making the horizon lift up like a scroll; dislocate stars; dislocate mountains like train carriages 403

Make rain of food (manna & quails) which can be picked and eaten 8

Restore materials such as food, drinks, paper, etc, by keeping them preserved while blocking natural decay processes for timeframes as long as 200 years 16

Resurrect living beings/people from the dead into completely alive state 2

Understanding of the core of the spiritual forms of life and nature at the most basic stages (near abstract), such as "hear the impulses of the will and voice of someone emanating from his/her blood on the floor" 5

Abstract Forms Of God / Allah


God Form 7 Lights 1 - Also known as the 7 Golden Lampstands Form, an abstract version of the body of the 7 Spirits Of God with a voice that sounds like a loud trumpet connected directly to the spirit of seven church Angels 400

God Form 7 Lights 2 - Also known as the 7 Throne Torches, an abstract version of the body of the 7 Spirits Of God exclusively present in Heaven solely 402


The Rebel who refuses to contemplate, praise or bow down to/the Humans 4

Arrogant 4 + Deceitful 408 + Cunning 3

Is a member within the group of the Fallen Angels (The Watchers), being the total of them 200 Angels with interests inclined to initially pairing themselves with female humans, besides lingering objectives of reproducing to create perplexed life forms basically/apparently human, containing their essence 501

Serpent Basic - A form of this individual identified as a talking snake, during the times of the Garden Of Eden, or simply Ancient Serpent 4

The Devil Dragon - An alternate form of this individual identified as Dragon during the times of the Apocalypse and its long stages, or still, simply Ancient Serpent. Features: Color of the skin red; seven heads and ten horns wearing crowns 408


Caused the Original Sin and consequentially made the First Ancestor Man and First Ancestor Woman leave the eternal Garden Of Eden 4 5


Infest locations with misery 17

Command/persuade souls to do evil and have wrong addictions (vice) 15

As Dragon, attempts to establish a mark in Heaven via a sacred woman's child protected by God, but fails to consume her/him. Such type of child is destined to be in Heaven, and the destiny cannot be altered. By these means, this implies attempting to haunt-persecute 408


Also known as Enemy/s Of Christ 301

The entity can consist of several different recurring high profile individuals through eras re-enacting own role 301

Tends to deny Jesus Christ (Isa) having ever existed 301 yet tends to use the scriptures of the Christian God / Allah for own benefit and understanding 302


Is a part of a lineage in the world of teachings establishing a knowledge base since ancient times influencing common sense by affirming how morality is not to be concerned, and everyone should simply ignore most worldly problems or issues 300


Can easily influence the social minds to establish a lesser concern for morality while at the same time pretending to represent christian values in vain; and even perform misleading miracles 300

Understanding by worldy culture of common sense generally expects this entity to become stronger, as the eras pass to times near the Apocalypse, and to become a greater threat


Supreme Reigning Entity of the Underworld (World Of The Dead)

Perceived to be a man, in pallid tonality of the skin, of spiritual origin. Icon of the transitory souls of the rulers of Ancient Egypt and of judgement in the afterlife. Dresses in ways similar to those of the courts of his region

Through statues is often depicted carrying the Holy Crook & Flail


A Supreme Deity of Afterlife


Capacity to regulate transitions of souls through death realms

Believed by his Holy Crook & Flail to have apparent power to influence vegetation growth

After dying, he could be revived by his consort Isis supernaturally conjoining again all parts of his body which were cut by his own brother Seth


The Guide who brings good news from Heaven to the believers 10

The Power capable of opposing the Fallen Angels (Satan) 502

Is a part of the triad of the most common special Archangels /Angels with a tendency to circulate in and out of Heaven 510


Chosen by God during extreme times such as the Apocalypse to be sent to Earth 502


A strategist that can divide, defeat and confuse the forces of evil of Satan 503


The Power capable of opposing the Fallen Angels (Satan) 502

Is a part of the triad of the most common special Archangels /Angels with a tendency to circulate in and out of Heaven 510


Chosen by God during extreme times such as the Apocalypse to be sent to Earth 502

Helped Archangel Raphael capture the supreme force of evil for the first time and limit its scope to a damnation region 503


With the Group of Angels he commands, he is the one destined to defeat the Dragon Form Of Satan 409

A strategist that can divide, defeat and confuse the forces of evil of Satan 503


Is a part of the triad of the most common special Archangels /Angels with a tendency to circulate in and out of Heaven 510


The one that quantified the first imprisonment of the Devil underneath the soil, in the spiritual dimension of punishment Hell. It became specified as a dimension underground, right under human's feet, with a rare probability of the evil entity still emerging to certain places of the Earth's commonplace realm 503

Is known for having persecuted the demon Asmodeus and chaining it once, while the demon was moving freely around the environment looking for a place or host in Egypt 708


One of the only five (Archangels Triad, God & the Messiah) expertise endowed entities in the Universe, effective at defeating the supreme force of evil Satan, the two Beasts & Abaddon by direct confrontation 503

Serves as a channeler for God, listening to prayers of the righteous people and turning them to accomplished wishes 709

Angels like him, can simulate being visitors of Earth's commonplace realm in people's homes to the point of even eating with them. However, the simulation is an apparent visual illusion of eating, as a trick, in order to familiarize with humans, and the entity does not, in fact, eat at all 710


The Supreme Ruler of the Legion Of Locust-Horse People Demons 406

Destroyer 406


One of the biggest threats of the end of times. As the phases of the total Apocalypse era unfold, this entity is the most powerful in the Abyss emerging for long periods of time as a plague of destruction around the Earth, before the stages when the Beast and the Whore Of Babylon become a major ordeal 405

His legion has the characteristics mentioned next. Features: Hair as long and/or apparent of a woman's; lion's looking teeth; breastplates and ornaments similar to those of the authorities; wings resembling a mechanism of an engine, described to be "as loud as many chariots of an army with their wheels rushing to battle"; tails and stings identical to scorpions 405


Detect the extent of individuals non-marked by the Seal Of God in their foreheads whilst the end times are. Proceed then to command the torment for those individuals, harming with non-lethal diseases which might seem lethal. Attempts to commit suicide are impaired in suffering stages 405

Has absolute control of the Abyss, an akin to practical Purgatory dimension of existence during the end of times 406


Recognized visually as a man-looking figure with a bull head

A deity characteristic of child sacrifice. Children, both male & female, burnt as offerings of worship, are known as the key component this deity requests 102


King Solomon himself, son of christian Prophet David, ordered altar-temples for this deity to be built, thus this spiritual individual is known for being very great in terms of high praise & cult potential on Earth's common plane 103


Domination of souls by expressing regency to rule as a supreme dimensional King Spirit 102

Absorption of souls, specially preferably of children 102


Ideal mother image and bliss-protector goddess representing fertility and prosperity

Consort of Osiris

Her traits are often perceived to share a link in history with the ritual & character of the Holy Virgin Maryam


Goddess of great compassion capable of extending her empathy energy to a nationwide level and scope

Sometimes depicted with elongated wings similar to an Angel in what is apparent of being an alternate form


Power to somehow, restore the body of certain entities to life in certain circumstances and/or heal the body dramatically


The purified to be the Holy Virgin Mother and announced by Heaven's Angels 18


Could give birth without sexual intercourse and become the mother of the Messiah 18



Messiah 18

Leader of the 12 Disciples known as God's Allies 20


Jesus 1st Form Messiah - Common-alike man, Son Of God operating miracles in the basis of healing, and prophet for the chance of salvation; intercommunicating with God performing duties on Earth's common plane 19 including being announced/highlighted with voice & special illumination directly from Heaven towards him on Earth 101

Jesus 2nd Form Revival - Revived common-alike man after overgoing a crucifixion process; ascends later to the Heaven's Spiritual Plane which exists slightly higher than common Earth's multiverse 70 21

Jesus 3rd Form Insurgent - Fighter entity-man, during the Apocalypse to defeat Satan's power and his followers. Features: eyes made of fire blazing; voice like a loud waterfall; mouth with a tongue as a two-edged sharp sword protruding out; hair white like an old man's; wearing a long robe until feet; golden belt around chest; right hand with seven spark glimpses; light being emitted from the feet 401


Miracles to resolve the most difficult diseases, such as heal the blind and the leprous 19

Make living beings out of dust, giving them soul and life 19

Resurrect living beings/people from the dead into completely alive state 19

The Beast

The Monster chosen by Satan to have The Devil's Authority & Power 410

Comes out from the sea 410

Self-integrated within a subgroup of 2 demonic beings 412

The disrespectful one prone to blasphemy against God and the Gospels 411

Beast 1 Attacker-Offender - Similar to the Dragon, with slight differences. Features: More like a leopard hybrid; seven heads and ten horns; however, unlike its predecessor, this one has a head brought to life with scars of death, and names of disrespectful aberrations on each head, wearing crowns 410

Beast 2 Deceiver - Similar to the Dragon, with slight differences. Features: More like a lamb hybrid; with two horns 412


During the end of times, is venerated and perceived as great around the Earth's commonplace realm 411


It is known for having the same power The Devil has 410

Dangerous ability to fight against the followers of the Gospels and possibly defeat their faith and life, if the believers are not strong enough with their faith's wisdom 411

With the The Devil's Authority & Power, during the end of times, can influence the authorities, social groups, cultures and costumes on a global level and scope 411

Beast 2 bears and establishes the mark 666 as a spiritual code, during the end of times, in order to control commerce. Only individuals/groups with the mark 666 in their souls, will, during such times, be able to properly access buying or selling 414

Beast 2 can perform miracles which might deceive and fool, to fortify the praise for Beast 1 413

Whore Of Babylon

Notion of a collective whole social strata, a city with a tendency to be promiscuous, immoral and highly consumerist of substances such as alcohol, during the end of times, in the stages of Armageddon 415

Has an alternative, less subjective and more spiritually concrete & simplified existence, which is an impersonated singular female dressed mainly in tones of red & purple, wearing golden jewels and many other expensive stones, typically holding a golden cup containing the essence of obscenities and things considered dirty/unpure 416


Is praised on a worldwide scale and influences the world immensely; although the masses susceptible to praising her are only the names not written in the Book Of Life In Heaven, in other words, only the ones destined to go to Hell praise this element 416


Gets excited and drunk consuming the blood of the believers. The onset blood of the followers of the Gospels gives her strength 417

After the fall of Beast 1, this entity conditions its return from the Abyss unto Earth's commonplace realm, and rides the Beast 1, using it as her own spiritual transport 416 Ironically, her connection to this evil also draws multiple demons & evil spirits around her simultaneously, gradually degenerating her (the nation) and harming her soul until her complete downfall 418

Harut & Marut

Initial range of existence around Babylon 11

Transmitters of spiritual spells from Heaven to Earth 11


Being a part of a test on Earth with the exclusive permission of God 11


Fake capacity to atrophy synergies of attraction in a romantic love couple, meant to be sought as a spell by black magic practicians, astrologers, shamans & witches. It causes the damnation of whoever attempts to acquire such supernatural capability from these Angels 11


A very advanced and religiously established concept of Mother Nature, often formulating sightings of a woman paired with the Earth's landscape as a living spirit. Although this is exclusive to the Earth only, not cosmological structures of the whole Universe, neither living beings nor their complex structures themselves

Initial range of existence around the Inca Empire


Together with God (Inti) and Viracocha, creates a grand synchronization oriented to completely govern & balance the absolute Solar System

Several exotic spiritual approaches, like the PachaMama Experience propagate this adhesiveness as far as into yoga, expanding the ecologically spiritual horizons towards people's self-healing, well being and self-acceptance


Schematize the growth or determine the states of crops for farmers and other types of plantation in the land such as trees. Encompasses such states of places within vast natural landscapes on a global level and scope

At specific occasions, is susceptible to cause apparently non-benevolent outcomes such as erosion of the soil or subsoil, intended to be a struggle for the balance of the land, and planet


The personification of Truth, Justice & Order as a Goddess of the Ancient Egypt


Was the most powerful, at times, entity around ancient age rendering principles & precepts of civilization regarding sense of adequate discipline


This goddess had the memorable opportunity to be present during the ordinary days, including the Judgement Day of every soul, knowing how her spirit would persuade the ordinary citizen to be righteous, nevertheless considering responsibility of the need for correct conduct


A man-looking figure with a canine head

In later periods of the very own Ancient Egypt, Osiris is the one revered for the roles of this entity instead, surpassing it in popularity and adequacy


Vital figure in the Underworld, as it assisted in the embalming process to prepare the deceased to enter the death state; remaining present somewhere in the world of the dead's diaspora

Beyond this primordial entity, basically in theory, being non-evil, evolution of the eras and the rise of modernity precepts combined with the savage/bizarre animalistic nature attached to the traits plus the judgemental aspects for the dead, gradually shaped the entity to be, by social norms, often qualified as evil. It is undeniable the fact that it doesn't get any closer to the polemics of paganism/witchcraft than with anatomies like this. To add more fuel to the fire lit, this anatomy suscitates the evil Seth. The problematic of the nature here, as an issue, is predominant majoritarily in the western world


Transformation to a 100% canine animal body

Redirection or misdirection of souls by influencing the path, somehow, of the deceased

Evaluation of the heart of humans entering the world of the dead, sentencing them by intuition, if they're fond of being appropriate, or not


A man-looking figure with an ibis bird head

Appearing rarely as variants of a human hybrid with bubonic or canine features


Vital figure in the Underworld, as it weights the heart of the deceased entering the death state, judging their acts

Widespread belief states how the animals dog and baboon, of very intuitive nature intrinsically, would inspire the ancient egyptians to symbolize some portions of knowledge with them as this complex fauna hybrid

Beyond this primordial entity, basically in theory, being non-evil, evolution of the eras and the rise of modernity precepts combined with the savage/bizarre animalistic nature attached to the traits plus the judgemental aspects for the dead, gradually shaped the entity to be, by social norms, often qualified as evil. It is undeniable the fact that it doesn't get any closer to the polemics of paganism/witchcraft than with anatomies like this. To add more fuel to the fire lit, this anatomy suscitates the evil Seth. The problematic of the nature here, as an issue, is predominant majoritarily in the western world


Tendency to appear during decurrent events along the presence of other spiritual deities, mainly egyptian

Using a Special Spiritual Scales System, measures the hearts of the now, dead ones, to verify if they're worthy of being considered good, or bad in the Underworld, affecting anything happening next in the course of their souls afterwards in the afterlife

Adam, Seth & Enosh

A family, regarded according to descendance. Revered as the most ancient of the roots in the records of humanity 6


The first humans that could additionally live 200+ years of life, before God restricted the amount of years humans can live due to sin becoming a major social reality and the Original Sin 6


Exceptional privilege to live 200+ years of life. They lived 930, 912 & 905 years respectively 6


An exceptional Ruler of Ancient Egypt. His legacy is timed at 1351/1336 B.C.


The first person in Ancient Egypt to perceive & advocate the absolutely supreme, one and only God (as Aten the sun disk)

His devotion to a new perception, of monotheism, was extremely serious, to the point of banning worship of any other type of deity in Ancient Egypt


Similar to a type of christendom, he adapted himself to coexist with God by altering his original name, from Pharaoh Amenhotep, The Fourth, to Pharaoh Akhenaten (meaning the one living by the grace of the Holy Spirit Of God 's blessings)

The remnant of his death left a legacy of temporarily directing Ancient Egypt towards a critical alteration of costumes, not widely accepted at the time. Even many elite successors antagonized this ruler, as they often would describe him historically as "an enemy of state". This, in turn, is considered to be the catalyst behind many witnesses (tourists and regional bedouins) having repeatedly seen the presence of the Ghost Of Pharaoh Akhenaten roaming around the Farafra Desert at a state of not resting in peace, whereas being neither at the Underworld perfectly dead and not yet judged, nor at the Abyss, Hell or Heaven

Tao / Dao

Understood to be naïve realism as contingency unfolding unto souls & amidst

History reveals its origins in ancient manuscripts to be dated to 400 B.C.

Principles rendering this element are: Tranquility, Harmony, Inaction & Simplicity


The overall perspective of this belief-deity nearly matches the absolute power of God, despite limitations regarding independent authority over the cosmos, judgement & magnitude scope

Many temples in the Shandong Peninsula are dedicated to this deity. The number of temples might reach an excess 100+


The way, as it is called, denominates a way to create a "perfect flow of everything", based in the electromagnetic field's poles (north, south, east, west) adjacent to the Ying-Yang concept with Qi / Ch'i energy


Bizarre spiritual creature primarily four legged, corresponding by some degree to the visual of a typical wild animal, existing basically at the wilderness locations 508



Continence of the invisible dimension of certain raw landscapes 508

Attacks on entire family souls, turning to foes multiple elements such as sons & father/mother 508


Has the alias Worst Of All Demons 704

Also identified by the names: Asmodaios, Ashmedai & Ashema Deva


Keeps males away from a woman of interest to the demon itself. The woman inhabiting with the demon revolving her space, is not harmed. The interest the demon has for the woman can be perceived as the ways an animal can be fond of an owner, on a scale graded towards approximate common male jealousy regarding a woman 706


Known for killing husbands/boyfriends, before they perform any sexual act with a woman. A customary method of killing an individual, happening as a recurring death during the night the man enters the bedroom to meet the woman 703

Dislocates itself airborne through the air, method used to flee to Egypt during a release, expelled from the presence within the surroundings of a woman 708

Angel Of Death

Formerly known as death Angel of the Passover 50

Reckons the blood of sacrifices on doors, and repels oneself, avoiding the entrance point to protected homes of localities/places 50

Extra protection by preparation is necessary when this executioner is approaching on Earth: Previously eating food at a very raw state, bitter, with a rapid pace of consumption, besides further staying inside the house at the time the entity is traversing the proximal location 50



Immediate lethal execution of a living body on sight as spiritual intervention 50


Merchant in areas of A'zarbaijan (Media) 700

Was blind for four years 703

The Book Of Tobit, by himself, discovered during 400/600 B.C. in Israel, is one of the most iconic additional scriptures of the original bible's source. It is considered cannonical and a part of the bible of the Eastern Orthodox Church


Helped many times the poor by providing bread and disposing of supplies of clothing to those who lacked them; His acts of charity and good heart went to the extent of even sharing his own meals with the poor & burying properly dead abandoned people's bodies 701

Once while performing his duties as helper of the ones in need, he buried decently the bodies of individuals slaughtered by the armed forces of King Sennacherib. Because such bodies were of enemies of the king, and he was witnessed burying them, he was persecuted by the armed forces of the king. By chance of fortunate fate, escaped alive, losing all material wealth confiscated by the army during the event 702

Archangel Raphael instructed to his son the formula to create a traditional healing procedure, similar to the confection of incense, with the objective of redeeming any man/woman afflicted by a demon 705


By prayer, could, bring forth the Archangel Raphael to his help, curing his blindness, while also helping an innocent woman get rid of the demon Asmodeus 704


A strong devotee to God in the earliest ages on Earth x2

Great-grandfather of Noah 509

The Book Of Enoch, by himself, discovered during 538 B.C. (Persian Empire era), is one of the most iconic additional scriptures of the original bible's source. It is kept intact and translated by the Tewahedo Orthodox Church Of Ethiopia, interpreted and organized as a complete compilation for the first time by ethiopians, hence why many believe he was ethiopian

Enriched of perspicacy at near astronomer skills, and understands well the cycles in years of multiple cosmological bodies of, for example, the Moon 512

Aware of the pathways in the Erythraean Sea zone, near the Horn of Africa, by having been in a journey throughout the place during his reports of the Gospels 506


Has been in Heaven himself, multiple times, and described the experience as "been carried aloft by winds upwards, which accelerated his body in progress of motion" 504

Reached an intercession zone with the help of Archangel Raphael connected to the Underworld, and saw spirits emanating voices from down under which could be heard on an inter-dimensional scale until Heaven. In this event, heard the voice of Abel 's spirit (son of Adam & Eve), rumbling, without resting in peace, slandering against Cain (the culprit for his death). The location he has farewell seen is separated by multiple foam & water layers of 3 dimensions of the dead visible above in the air, similar to the 7 Heavens. These souls await the Judgement Day to determine whether they shall go to Heaven or Hell 505

Saw the Tree Of Knowledge, the one bearing non-ordinary fruit consumed by Adam & Eve, on tour in Heaven with Archangel Raphael. During this, Adam & Eve were referred to, as "His Ancient Father & His Ancient Mother" 507 This tree, is different from the Tree Of Life, able of turning living beings immortal 4

Found a pathway into the Abyss, while trying to ascend into Heaven's realm. Described it as a place where the "Earth is absorbed by a vacuum", and also a place where "mountains suspend in the air on top of other mountains; hills sink; and trees subside and still exist while gliding away from their trunks" 513

With his visionary capabilities, witnessed someone being judged and sentenced to be thrown into Hell itself, as a different type of vacuum opened on the ground containing fire 514

Revealed information announcing certain features of Heaven such as "walls of flame; pavements made of material similar to crystals; ceilings/spaces above made of scintillating, constantly moving in agitated ways, star-like glimpses; rivers of exquisite fire relucent in ways resembling tonality of the flora's hyacinth, on the floors"; and feeling "cold and hot" at the same time 504

His reconciliation with God was so great, that he parted away to Heaven directly without dying, at the time of his old age 7


Predict the remote future to as far as 2000 years, even to the Judgement Day 500

When in Heaven, might exhume another facet of his own body, where his flesh dissolves & spirit changes, yet he can still talk and pray 511

Could still be one of the privileged ones, capable of living 200+ years, and by the time had disappeared directly permanently into Heaven was then, yet 365 years old 7

Hantu Raya

A monstruosity spirit initially creating a pact with a common individual in order to conquer the souls of others to serve both of them

In the case of not having the owner to establish a pact with, wonders around in search of another, after murdering its own previous owner if failure to find a person to accept it and make a pact with it before dying occurs

When the monstruosity is seen itself, displays a heavy & tall appearance like a bear with the head of another savage animal

Generally is situated in the area surrounding the owner individual's residence


Who on Earth doesn't know this infamous one constituent of the southeast asian supernatural world? Not only can be known locally by one country in the region, but actually expands through the common sense in the culture of multiple countries of the likes of Malaysia, Indonesia and even as far as the Visayas, Mindanao-Luzon and Singapore

In Africa, there are also many countries telling of something very identical to this, the Kuthaca. Few differences exist between the two, in turn, this one depends upon contacting sorcerers/quimbanderos for acquiring supernaturally conditioned benefits by paying them, later on they request the delivery of the essence of the soul of somebody with blood ties. This can be achieved, for example, by: fetching garments of family members such as tampons of a sister, daughter or mother containing her period's blood; filaments of the hair of an uncle; a portrait of a cousin; etc. Whoever is delivered will no longer be free, as the soul is sold to unknown spirits. The next stages show the consequences of the ritual, and why it is something bad, something very stigmatized in Africa referred to even as demons. The energy of the family member used will be drawn constantly everyday and waking up tired becomes a common symptom, including having the so called Marido Da Noite in the case of being a female: the process of the unknown spirit/s exploiting sexually, without consent, the soul of the family member used in the ritual while asleep. The soul essence used in the ritual can also become a servant of someone else as an imprisoned spiritual slave, in exchange of the benefits, and their voices are popularly known in African culture to be audible, lamenting and even crying about their suffering in plantations, countryside fields, yards, etc, when certain people pass by, without actually seeing anything physically there. The so many similarities among this african version and the original are certainly strange, considering how far they are from each other...

This is fundamentally the most feared, most commented about spirituality related event, within the non-christian social issues and scope, both in parts of Southeast Asia and of Africa, to the point that priests in protestant christian churches, which are the majority today, often talk about it


Enslaving of souls, with the individual living as its owner's agenda

Plagues cast at others by the owner's command, if the owner wishes to do the harm

In the incasity of Kuthaca, the unknown spirit/s involved in the ritual own/s the soul of the essence offered. Then might, when the offering is a female, block her from having the fateful luck of marrying. She might have many sexual partners or lovers, but the soul is chained and cannot have a single father-kids atmosphere at her home, nor go through marriage

In the incasity of Kuthaca, the unknown spirit/s involved in the ritual might induce paranoia in the female, as she has constant episodes of talking asleep, slightly near awakening stages

In certain occasions, it shapeshifts to its own owner's appearance


This little indian girl comes from the mountains, mobile as an ordinary looking young girl among strangers, and in other occasions, in her real aberrant form

Tends to get gradually along with other children and play

Puts effort into avoiding to be witnessed by adults, with a runaway of return to nearby mountains becoming a probable response for this

The aberration real self is visible generally only when panicking due to feeling endangered


She has been identified since a long time as both of indian (eastern) and, in other different situations, of chippewa (western) descent

The more this, even qualified sometimes as "demon" spirit, kills, the more powerful/dynamic becomes. There are still, methods to deflect any harm caused by wearing specific traditional red amulets in the shape of necklaces or bracelets


Transmission of a disease by approaching. If anyone crosses the perimeter of her shadow, is then infected

Emits sounds of singing or traditional drumming vibrations as an alternative procedure to infect with a disease, if someone hears


One of the most controversial deities of all time, diffused by many names: Astarte, Astoreth, Ishtar, Inanna, Qudshu, Qetesh, Argimpasa, Anahita, Ardwisur Anahid & Athirat. Venerated as the goddess of love, sex, and power

A goddess centered in the primordial regions of Canaan & Ancient Mesopotamia


Is believed to be the carrier of the demonym Queen Of Heaven within the bible, and innumerous sources based on multiple real archeological evidences show an ancient connection between both her and God (YHWH), where in Ancient Israel and nearby regions she used to be praised as the consort/wife of the supreme entity of Heaven. Her name is the most mentioned goddess name all throughout several parts of the bible, where, dissimilar to what many other historical records state, the act of praying or being one of her followers is forbidden directly by the words of God 100

Historical records identifying her by many of her names, mostly Ishtar, are scriptures of drastic standardization of spirituality such as a tendency for her to be the key goddess leading figure in "sacred prostitution" rings, with the sacred harlots as her own priestesses; statues depicting the goddess many times naked; and
a very radical attitude possibly involving herself in battles if necessary

Her extensive legacy covered areas as remote as Egypt and the vast Middle East

Attempted once to usurp the power her sister Ereshkigal, a supreme deity of the Underworld, has. The task failed


Spiritual power over elements of life such as relationships of the heart and power of Earthly great decisions, shaping or influencing both

Affects fertility of humans in their reproductive systems

To enter or send her personnel to the world of the dead (in her regional culture designated by two synonymous words Netherworld /Underworld) for determined errands

Can proceed, if her will permits, through the 7 Gates Of Hell, and return to her realm away from the place Hell


The Leader for goodness of the Gospels in Humanity 13

Nomad Ruler 21 within the range of Egypt, Canaan, Damascus & Mount Lebanon 8


Was tested by God and an Angel of the elect correct in order to kill his son Isaac and offer him as sacrifice. Fortunate was for the prophet, the fact that the eventuality had been solely a test, and was ordered to cancel the act while being informed of the real trivial purpose of the eventual challenge, confirming how his faith is legit 20

Initiated the incentive about men to be circumcised as a must, a requirement similar to the baptism, for the purity of the authentic man grown in accordance to the holy scriptures. A tradition then perpetuated through descendants as costume throughout the World 11


Protected by and capable of interacting with an Abstract Form Of The Spirit Of God, consisting of a locomotive "floating & flaming torch + smoke inside a celestial container", "disappearing and reappearing" temporarily to guide the walk outside, as well 9

Blessed to be able to reproduce and become the father of Prophet Isaac at 100+ years old stage, with God 's permission to be an exception 12


Carries a staff 9


The beholder of the Scripture & Criterion (10 Commandments) 7


Make water appear from rocks by applying pressure through contact with his staff 9

Temporarily divided the Red Sea into two, creating a pathway road for him and his people to walk 6


Of cannibalistic behaviour and vampiric-like traits. The body is of a human female, usually wearing in white

Also identified by the names: Kuntilanak, Kunti, Matianak, Pichal Peri, Churayl, Chudel, Chudail & Preay Krolaplerng


After living as an ordinary woman, the event of her death was incited by an accidental pregnancy gone wrong, making her die while she was giving birth. This type of death has led her to do not become a part of the world of the dead normally, returning to Earth's common plane fuelled with envy and jealousy for other mothers alive, plus a thirst to persecute them

The apparition/spectre as an old woman, is a possible variant

Acknowledged as far as until Bangladesh, reappearing with different names according to other languages in the following regions of: Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Cambodia and Singapore

Inherently in the regions of South Asia where this evil ghost manifests, women dying of non natural causes of another sort are also susceptible in some cases of reenacting their spirit away from the realm of the dead as this evil devourer. Determined cultural beliefs in South Asia, advise and attempt to bury the body of women vanishing in abrupt susceptible ways positioning the body in accordance to traditional costume's specifications for blocking their return to the world of the living

This malefic ghost is such a concern, that there is an entire city named after her: Pontianak, the capital of the West Kalimantan province, in Indonesia


To hunt down the souls of mothers while they're pregnant, to devour. Starting from the area of their belly being torn, initially consuming their baby. This will highly likely lead to the death of both a mother & her offspring

Rarely, disguise herself as an apparently 100% normal woman, to seduce men and misguide their agenda fomenting an appropriate occasion to attack them with sharp fingernails, ripping apart the entrails

Consumption of blood and other liquids present in the body from the lured males using the teeth to bite, creating gaps in the skin to drain. If the male survives the process or the process is halted, continues the ordinary life away from her, however, the own body already is transferred to the elder stage. This is attributed regionally as probable action to manifestations of the evil ghost in the areas of South Asia, further away from the southeast


Opportunistic female demon mentioned in the holy talmud and in some versions of the bible

Of jewish/mesopotamian origins, believed to have become a monster through time in the spiritual realm resembling a she-wolf covered in filth. Keen to association in manifestations alongside owls at night


Exists since the most remote of the times, to the point of being then proclaimed one of the very first women ever initially created to be a companion of the first human male: Adam, at times when Eve would not be the viable option

Has rulership over other demons, and is revealed to be also called Queen Of Demons

Intrigues facts by appearing also in the scriptures of Ishtar, as an entity that crossed her path once, infesting her garden with snakes and strange activity from a tree's root. Although many christians disregard those coincidental scriptures & sources, which make reference to owls about her and denominate her a demon/evil entity as well


Succubus type of activity, to actuate majoritarily in the body's state of sleep paralysis. Seducing males in their sleep at night in order to gradually destroy them and/or make them reproduce demonic children

Cause the disappearance of offspring from women and/or afflict them with disturbances


Supreme Reigning Entity of the Underworld (World Of The Dead)

Perceived to be a woman looking figure, of divine source, originating from Heaven. Entangled and misdirected to be in the world of the deceased by Dragon Form Satan


Not only one of the few multiple supreme reigning entities of the departed, which are various, unlike the supreme evil that is only one. She is the older sister of the goddess of extravagancy Ishtar

The Anunnaki serve as coadjuvant forces of her ruling system


Receives the spirits of the ones dying of specific deaths, buried in specific ways. Is not characteristic of judgement, and does not make it upon souls. The dead are simply tracked, and their souls made clear through the passing away event


Born in Nepal, with the incredibly most extensive ideological & religious influence all over Asia ever

The son of a leader turned to principal priest master of enlightenment establishing the pivotal methodology of highly remarkable eastern religious doctrines at the times of 500-400 B.C.


The default system of his teachings are a composite of ideas stigmatizing desire. Desire is seen as the root of suffering, meant to be suppressed by inner struggle and learning to avoid wrongdoing, as well. The efforts progress by inclination for being kind; maintaining the brain in equilibrium, free from incorrect thoughts; expressing oneself properly; etc

The concept of reincarnation, exuded by his teachings, is seen by many as a phoney idea and belief. Attentively, actually, reincarnation is one of the most seriously dangerous concepts of religion. The honest truth is: Nobody has yet demonstrated evidence of what is it to die and revive, neither has lived to tell what is afterlife. Religious revelations are visions most prophets had while alive, phenomena identical to astral projection. The Messiah, is the only case of rebirth known, obviously indicating not only to be uncommon to ordinary humans, but also not making accounts of possible reincarnation any less utter rare, non verifiable and unknown. The atmosphere is a very complex system, microorganisms reside within the air, surfaces, living organisms decompose by these, etc. Even though, many believe they're going to "rest in peace" and never open their eyes again anywhere else, this simplicity of the event, could be, in fact, false. The first law of thermodynamics, speaking of eternal cycles of all energy as a constant in the planet, is already pressure to foundations of the most skeptical, not to mention how basically all living organisms are codependent to the extreme point of absorbing/digesting each other. A final uncanny suite of molecules, atoms, cells behaving like living organisms too, etc, composing tissues and bigger organic structures, to all this, creates the ultimate combination of ingredients to make the wise do not laugh at the matter



Prodigious visionary, pioneer of the revolutionary unitary ideology of joining the grace & glory of all familiar religions of humanity into one

From Iran, year 1844, and now revered worldwide

The name, is a title, meaning "by God 's glory"; The real name is Mirza Husayn Ali

After proclaiming his divine sent message and beginning to rise as a prominent religion in Iran, outrageous opposition rose against his views, leading to him being arrested for years. His will did not stop him from writing and teaching the new religious revelations from his cell, with still vast influence to ages after his death


The Lotus Temple, a futuristic building situated in India, at first sight, might seem to be just another buddhist central of devotion, when it is a representative of the greatness of the Bahá'í Faith method, the name of his religion of proper global unity of beliefs, where only one God is aspect fulcra

He is often seen as a messenger coming directly from God, just as rationally relevant as Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad are

The Bahá'í Faith is a religion at its peak with principles from its signature proficiency at: emphasis in the reduction of racism, amplification of altruism by empathy at a global rate and the mission of blending harmonious existence with science. Never forgetting the need for the pursuit of justice, with another specially assigned to this religion signature precept: equality among all genders



Enermous female savage fiend in the Underworld made of a combination of three animal natures: the head of an alligator, the remaining frontal part of the body as structure of a lioness, and the rear part of the hippopotamus alike. The head has the long hair of a woman

Also identified by the names: Ammut & Ahemait



After dying, and after facing Anubis and/or Thoth, if anyone is found of having a heart way too heavy regarding sins, will cross the path of this hideous anhialator of souls. And will, of course, be devastated for once and for all by being mauled


Malevolent deities in the Asian Buddhist culture of animalistic/savage characteristics


The qualities attributed to each one of them


The faculties attributed to each one of them


The most essential of the Orishas (deities of African religion). Human male messenger, residing in another non-common Earthly dimension, as the intermediary of all the spiritual pathways to any other possible Orisha

Eshu is his astral manifestation to ensemble main role of purposes


The legacy of the african yoruba religion of orishas, in spite of being the central element absorbed by Haitian Voodoo, still further extends to the Inca civilization's continent since the times africans as ancient as even the egyptians built boats capable of crossing the atlantic. The aftermath: many other types of religions, Candomblé, Umbanda, Winti and elements of methodology in Maculele martial arts, etc, sprouting across countries like Cuba, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Brazil, not to mention many others


Concedes or denies hundreds of elaborate roads in the specific spiritual realm leading to the Orishas and their power

Devious to the motives of humans, testing rationally their faith

Demeanour from him can also interact with or influence the deceased humanity

Seshat, Imhotep, etc

Benevolent deities in the Egyptian & Nubian culture of supernatural & modern humanistic characteristics


The qualities attributed to each one of them


The faculties attributed to each one of them

Krishna, Saraswati, etc

Benevolent deities in the Asian Buddhist culture of supernatural & modern humanistic characteristics


The qualities attributed to each one of them


The faculties attributed to each one of them

El Tio

Familiar name meaning (The Unkle), head of a goat with other ordinary characteristics of human male composing the entire body

Classified as a demon, of evil ego

Specific caves in Bolivia have statuettes of the entity as visual representation. Those places are believed to be where the evil spirit lurks and lives

Is incapable of leaving for the outside world, and is barred by the christianic synergies of the culture in the entire country


Many miners praise him and present gifts to his image. They believe, establishing a pact with an evil spirit that is clearly destructive might ease their fate or condition problems with someone else. While others, tend to condemn the practice. Cigarettes, alcohol, are the symbolic items the evil spirit is appreciative to when left behind at his places, for him

It is only during the Carnival Of Oruro, that figures for the purpose of representation are allowed to leave the underneath original places, idealizing the ways of the country. Many performers exhibit what is told to be explained here


Control over the fate of the miners and possibly individuals entering caves of the residing evil against their free will

Widespread potential within the spiritual environment inside the entire caves where is present


Solid marks from turkic/mongol landmass are data about the class of evil spirits as remains of drowning deaths. These reports are also made in other slightly remote areas as in for example other countries bordering Mongolia where totally different beliefs of the likes of taoism exist. There, they might go by another alternative name: Shui Gui - Ti Shen, etc

Implies generally a chance of being either a male or female, of any age



Sudden drag of anyone close standing by near the haunted waters to their own death, forcing the target to die by another drowning event


Half-man/Half-woman, male deity & goddess as a resulting androgynous morphology of Shiva & Parvati interlaced

Is distinguishable symbolically by a division of the body at the center, with each gender occupying a side

Ardhanarishvara is the most regular alias


This is the deity worshipped by the religious hijras & ladyboys (transsexuals of India & Southeast Asia)


The productivity, success or prosperity of an event, someone, something, is by impulsion, impelled

Renewal, a potency from the other gender side, will imply the cessation of an event, someone, something, to maintain social/spiritual balance

Sense of identity might fluctuate from devoid to existential as energy to change, or recreate oneself (essentially the transsexual worshippers). The extent of this is intricate within the context of reincarnations

Papa Legba

Human old male messenger, residing in another non-common Earthly dimension, as the intermediary of all the spiritual pathways to any of his proximal possible spirits of Loas

Fond of offerings presented to him at his altars, to be motivated to help, and feels that the animal dog is a sacred animal

Likes childish elements of the Earth's usual realm, such as groceries and various toys


God (Bon YHWH) of christianity also exists in haitian voodoo, not expected to manifest through time as much as some believe. Due to this, there is a tendency as costume instead to reach the Loas, special spirits capable of disposing themselves for favours to the common dimension of life and other typical spirits. This haitian voodoo religion is strongly influenced by cultures of the Congo, the Taino Native-Indian Community and the Yoruba Lands, with final addition of complementary beliefs inherent to christianity


Concedes or denies hundreds of elaborate roads in the specific spiritual realm leading to the Loas and their power

Rational interest for the motives of humans and challenges of ideas, with no intent to harm

Duty to protect and rebel, if necessary, to barricade the paths directed at the exclusive spirits of Loas

Santa Muerte

Allusion to the Holy Virgin Maryam from Mexico. In contrast to her usual appearance, seen as a straightforward skeleton of a saint at the state of death


A suggestive combination of factors from christianity and ancestral native indian tradition. Christians, vastly disapprove the practice of this belief. Apart from the odds, still could strangely be considered the most popular and unique phenomena from Mexico regarding spirituality

Essential figure of the Dia De Los Muertos holidays


Creation of a sense of connection to the divine and at the same time, the dead loved ones, for the followers

Wewe Gombel

Apparition/spectre of a woman with deformed breasts elongated to a near reaching the floor length, claws as the look of hands, and slight parts of savage/animalistic traits

Her initial location to be concentrated at is the eastern Java Region

Wonders in search of abandoned children or children on the loose


Lived a life as a loving wife very sentimentally attached to her husband until the time when it became clear how she was infertile. Her husband, saddened by the retrieval of the information, distanced himself further and further away from her until the departure from their marital relationship to a new affective relationship with somebody else. Enraged, she went in pursuit of her former lover and placed an end to his life. In turn, the local neighbours and villagers, within the sentimental zone of relatives in terms of role, went after her to enforce justice by their own hands as social norms would prescribe the laws at her rustic locality. To avoid the pressure of the situation's crisis, she committed suicide, without entering a proper death state. She emerges later conditioned by the inner emotional force of the synthesis of her feelings in a spiritual dimension crossing directly the commonplace field of existence. Enough impulse is brought to life seeking how to "resolve" matters at her own dangerous ways


Abduction of children causing their consequent disappearance; when they are susceptible to then being found or surviving for their last moments at her grasp to death, by malnutrition


The most feared horrible living thing in the lands like Manila, since many centuries. Christians there, also believe this is a real issue

Promulgates confusion by living in the day as a normal male person, blending perfectly among everyone outdoors as a part of society

Antics of attacking and eating living bodies, often described as characteristic of a savage animal at its true form

Lurks where the dead lay and eats their bodies in the graves

A popular local saying in the Visayas: "Better an aswang than a thief..." is a clear desperate means reminder of the creature's astuteness to seek prey elsewhere far from neighbours and proximal friends, concealing the truth of what actually happens shapeshifting to the horrid animal that is

The old measure against evil spirits, almost as old as incense: the use of salt sometimes even placed in the floor by amounts scattered throughout an area, is believed to be detested and produce a self-repulsive response in the character, if the threat approaches the place/s


Any apparently conventional person can be detected for being, in fact, not a person, but of this type. The exquisite twist is: If somehow, one can be in the unusual situation of finding oneself extremely close to the suspect, paying attention exclusively to the eye's reflection, an inverted vertically image of what is seen will there be

Another method to detect a being of this category is by observing the face of any suspect upside down. It is told that an abnormal optical illusion will occur revealing the final verdict


Exorbitant inhuman strength identical to the one of a savage animal at night

Flight resembling an animal of the bird species


7-600 Judges of the Netherworld /Underworld revolving mainly the throne of Ereshkigal, as a branch of her authority

Can be mistaken for kings, because the chairs where they sit are relucent thrones


They have sentenced once the goddess Ishtar to death, for trying to overtake the power of the Underworld. The goddess escaped the sentence with her supernatural prowess and returned to her own realm

At times, known for circumventing instead the constitution of a complex authority merging with the throne of Lelwani, another goddess instead, of the Netherworld /Underworld


Judge the souls entering the world of the dead, sentencing by their life acts accordingly

Aid other entities/individuals/groups in conflictual situations, in multiple types of dimensions


Son of an Egyptian Woman and Abraham 17

His mother further also conditioned him to have an Egyptian Woman as his wife 19


Forefather of Muhammad, and Son of Abraham (Ibrāhīm)

Predicted to be born by an Angel appearing to his mother announcing the event to her 10

Once again, an Angel appeared to his mother to save both him and her from dying of thirst while migrating on foot. God further replenished the occurrence with more help, guiding his mother with visual output signs to find a water source 18


Sanctify Churches / Mosques for those who kneel and praise inside 14


The nomad within the range of Egypt, Canaan & Sodom 8

After escaping Sodom, lived in a cave afraid of the city with his two grown daughters 16


Chosen, alongside his family, to be the only to survive and escape the destruction of Sodom & Gamorrah 14

Received two Angels as guests at his home; and watched them turn blind some would-be rapists attempting to rape 13

Was a part of the runaway from the destruction of Sodom & Gamorrah where his wife turned to a mineral pillar stuck on the ground for breaking the code instructed by the Angels to not look behind during the escape event 15


NOTE 1: The criterion of traits here is according to psychological trait theory, not regarding essentially the straightforward visual apparatus/simply appearance. And naïve realism is concerning philosophy of mind, not at all psychological science.

NOTE 2: The list incorporates elements only known to recur at a wide scale, essentially beyond their own initial regional reach. Furthermore, this means a high and conventional probability of the entities here described manifesting in the World, even to the unknown, whether by dreams/disturbance of nightmares, concrete spiritual essence, a spirituality related social sphere of issues, or even possible emulation in the future by a third party to deceive. Reason this why, most deities of buddhism for example, are not on display in this file, seen how they are pertaining to the indians/buddhists/hindus themselves only usually, basically never ever have been expressed by any one else to have sought them.

NOTE 3: The persona Lucifer does not exist. The name is not a proper noun, it is a near adjective, common-concrete noun. The attribute "morning star" is the meaning of the word, and is used to refer to both Jesus and Satan through different parts of the bible. Despite this, many medieval publications of literature started to apply the name exclusively to the supreme evil one, this evidentially became the erroneous tendency much later. Most demons featured in horror movies, for example: Amon, Abyzou, Agares, Mammon, Valac/Valak, etc, are not real, they're only a product of fiction motivated by inspiration from other medieval novelists. Only the demons in the beginning of this list are the ones present in real religion. It is markedly important to take the second note into consideration.

NOTE 4: There are no personalities in Africa's culture as popular evil spirits, and the conventional non-evil ghost occurrence, the most probable to be told of, is not nationwide common either. Not even the jokes like the bogeyman, or a goblin exist as storytelling for children, at least. Many fear the Quimbandero/a, or shaman, a word & title very well known by the masses, and see him or her, as the source of all possible evil of something seen as black magic, despite not being essentially a practiser of it, and being keen to traditional healing.

NOTE 5: This article was originally compiled by Siye Heƙe. The experience obtained for this standardized approach which is the most commonplace among church people is: Own experience as a gospel singer (during teenager years) at a Chirstian Protestant Church (the type of church where exorcisms are commonplace) and attending it (familiarity with Psalms consultation for prayer); being through near-initiation stages of Jehova's Witnesses and actually having attended a real church of their specific religion by the help of an insider female friend who was, at the time, a Jehova's Witness herself and my friend; having gone through the evangelization process required for baptism (learning most common praying and bible consulting methods, such as Lord's Prayer / Our Father and Hail Maryam); and also another female friend (Nabil) capable of having tested such experience further towards Islam, after sharing many questions regarding religion with her.

References  &  Sources:


Genesis 1 - 1: 1-2 | 2 - 1: 8-9-10 | 3 - 3: 1 | 4 - 3: 13-16-17-22-23 | 5 - 4: 10 | 6 - 5: 3-4-5-6-8-9-11 / 6: 3 | 7 - 5: 21-22-23-24
                      8 - 12: 4-5 / 13: 1 / 14: 14-15 | 9 - 15: 17-18 | 10 - 16: 7-11-12 | 11 - 17: 10-14 | 12 - 17: 17-19 | 13 - 19: 1-2-4-5-6-7-11
                      14 - 19: 12-13 | 15 - 19: 17-24-25-26 | 16 - 19: 30 | 17 - 21: 9 | 18 - 21: 17-19 | 19 - 21: 21 | 20 - 22: 1-2-9-10-11-12
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>> Prophet Matthew 101 - 3: 16-17

>> 2nd Book Of Kings 102 - 23: 10 | 103 - 23: 13

>> 1st Letter Of Prophet John 300 - Introduction (from Good News Bible - Bible Society Of Africa)

>> 2nd Letter Of Prophet John 301 - 1: 7 | 302 - 1: 8

>> Apocalypse, the Book Of Revelations 400 - 1: 10-12 / 3: 1 / 4: 1 | 401 - 1: 13-14-15-16 / 2: 5-6-7-12-13-17 / 3: 3-9-10-11 | 402 - 4: 5
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                                                                   408 - 12: 3-9 | 409 - 12: 7 | 410 - 13: 1-2-3 | 411 - 13: 4-6-7-10 | 412 - 13: 11-12
                                                                   413 - 12: 13-14 | 414 - 12: 16-17-18 | 415 - 17: 1-2 | 416 - 17: 3-4-5-8
                                                                   417 - 17: 6 | 418 - 18: 1-2

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                                    504 - 14: 9-10 / 14: 12-16-19 / 70: 1-2 | 505 - 22: 3-4-5-6-7-9-10-13 | 506 - 31: 2 | 507 - 31: 5 | 508 - 58: 8-13
                                    509 - 64:1-2 | 510 - 70: 11 | 511 - 70: 13 | 512 - 73: 14 | 513 - 82: 4-5-6-7 | 514 - 89: 33-34-51

>> Book Of Tobit 700 - 1: 13-14 | 701 - 1: 17-18 / 2: 2 | 702 - 1: 19-20 | 703 - 2: 10 | 704 - 3: 17 / 11: 7-8-11-12-13-14
                                   705 - 6: 4-5-6-7-8-17-18 | 706 - 6: 16 | 707 - 7: 13 | 708 - 8: 3 | 709 - 12: 12-13-14-15 | 710 - 12: 19-20-21


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                         13 - 2: 124 | 14 - 2: 125 | 15 - 2: 168-169 | 16 - 2: 259 | 17 - 2: 268

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